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OB1 App

All Bank, Building Society, Credit cards


Completely free & no Ads

100% Secure

Add accounts simply & securely


No more logging in and out of multiple apps - view them all on OB1.

100% Secure

Connect accounts safely via your own bank. You cannot transact using the OB1 App.

Design Simplicity

Clean, simple to use interface that makes it easy to use


OB1 App is free to download with no in-app purchases and no subscriptions.

No Ads

We believe in a great user experience so no Ads on our App.

Easy to use

Add accounts by following a simple wizard.

View recent transactions

By selecting an individual account on the home screen, you can view the recent transactions associated with it.

Account information

Individual account information, balance and options to disconnect.


View recent transactions by type and amount.

Search by name

Enter your bank, building society, credit card name to filter the list.

Scroll search

Scroll the list of available accounts to add yours

Select the relevant account to add

Our App takes you to your bank, building society to securely add the account. We cannot access or see your account details. This is a mandatory FSA requirement for open banking. After successfully adding your account you are returned to the OB1 App home screen.


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Trusted Partners


Frequently asked questions

Common questions and answers. For anything else drop us a message

OB1 is short for Open Banking One. We are not a bank. You cannot open a bank account or make transactions. We are an account information provided under the designation of the Financial Services Conduct Authority and Open Banking standards.
The OB1 is free to download and free to use. There are no in-app purchaes and no Ads so your experience will be completely uninterrupted. You may ask how do we make money? Quite simply we don’t. It was built by us for our own use so we thought why not share it.
Our App is 100% secure. For one, you cannot make any transactions in the OB1 App. For that we recommend using your bank’s own App or onlne banling facility. We encrpyt the data sent across the internet between the bank and the OB1 app. Data is also encrypted at rest.
You cannot make transactions using the OB1 App. It is designed to provide a highlevel view of all your accounts and recent transactions. For transactions please use your own banking app/website. This provides an extra layer of security and safety for our users
Open banking connects banks, third-parties and technical providers – enabling them to simply and securely exchange data to their customers’ benefit. For more information click here
  • Accout information providers, like OB1, are legally obliged to request reconnection after 90 days.
  • To provide our users a better experience, we are trying to convince the banks to be more flexible about this.
Happy users
Good Reviews

I've tried a lot of banking apps with a similar them but this is by far the best. Easy to use and great design.

Ali Carl

Company Director

Talk about time saving. As a busy person juggling life, I don't always have time to check all my accounts. OB1 App does it for me.

Maria Kent

Founder of Style Fashion

A quick glance once a day is all I need. I really love the security built into the App, especially since you can't make transactions.

Emily Clark

Digital Media Executive


Don’t hesitate to give us a call or just use the contact form below